Commitment towards change…

Change is often good, but it can also be frightening and overwhelming. People are creatures of habit. We like to stay within our comfort zones,  and the idea of changing too much is often daunting. 

But, sometimes change is necessary. Whether you’re trying to take better care of yourself, shift your perspective on things, or embrace a major life change, it starts by making a commitment. If you don’t fully accept and embrace change, you’re less likely to stick with it. So, how can you make a commitment towards change that’s meaningful and lasting?

Let’s cover a few tips and strategies to fuel and strengthen your drive to stick with a specific change.

Look At The Big Picture

Making a commitment to lasting change requires thinking about the long-term. It’s easy to get caught up in the “right now” of things, but that will make you more likely to go back to old, comfortable habits and ideas. 

If you really want to change things in your life, you have to look at the big picture. 

For example, if the change you want to make is eating healthier, it’s going to take more than one day of salads to make a difference. Instead of thinking of this change as some kind of restriction or having a specific goal, think of it as a new type of lifestyle. That will make it easier to commit to it on a long-term basis. 

Understand the Road Blocks

When you’re changing something about yourself or your life, it’s not always going to be easy. There will be setbacks and roadblocks. 

While it’s easy to look at things like that and only focus on the negative, they aren’t necessarily bad for your commitment to change. Setbacks are great learning opportunities. 

When you experience them throughout your journey, use them to figure out what you could’ve done differently. Overcome them, and keep moving forward. You’ll learn to be more resilient, and you'll learn more about yourself. Growth comes from getting through setbacks; so learn to embrace them. 

Think About How Far You’ve Come

There will be days when keeping your commitment to change is harder than others. It can help to reflect on what you’ve done already, and what you still want to accomplish. 

Things like meditation and mindfulness are great ways to relax and clear your mind when you’re feeling bogged down by everything else. They’ll allow you to focus and reflect on the changes you’ve already made, and how important your progress has been. 

Journaling is another great reflection tool. It’s also a wonderful motivator. On days when your commitment feels hard to stick with, you can look back at previous journal entries. 

It’s sometimes hard to see how far you’ve come until it’s sitting in front of you in black and white. When you’re able to look at old entries, including how you were feeling at the time and what you did to overcome challenges, it will be easier to keep moving forward. 

Talk to Others

If you really want to hold yourself accountable for your commitment to change, tell the people in your life about it. 

Those individuals can serve as your support system. They’ll be there to lift you up when things get hard. They’ll also be able to hold you accountable when you are slipping away from your commitment or trying to let a setback get you down. Having the right people in your corner will make a big difference. 

Again, change is hard. But, that’s often what makes it worthwhile. By sticking with it and making a commitment towards change, you’ll see what you’re truly capable of, and how that commitment can impact your life in so many positive ways. Contact me if you’re ready to commit to change.


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