Substance Abuse Counseling

Has Overuse Of Alcohol And Other Drugs Caused Major Problems In Your Life?

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Do you struggle with controlling your intake of alcohol and other drugs? Has substance use affected your work performance, relationships, or self-esteem? Is it beginning to feel as though drugs or alcohol have more power over your life than you do?

You may have been unsuccessful cutting down on your substance use in the past, or perhaps the desired effects of your use have decreased as your tolerance has built up over time. Or maybe a family member or loved one has expressed concern about the volume or frequency of your drug or alcohol use, despite you feeling as though you have things under control. 

Substance abuse can lead to many problems at home, work, or school. Using may have resulted in a failure to accomplish certain tasks or fulfill certain obligations. Or you may find that you are uninterested in partaking in activities that don’t involve alcohol or opportunities to use drugs. And perhaps you’re also spending more and more time recovering from your use as your body becomes increasingly impacted by the detrimental effects of overusing alcohol and other drugs. 

Do you wish you could reduce your drinking or drug use to a level that does not draw the attention of your family and friends? Maybe you maintain the desire to quit altogether, but you just don’t know how. 

While drinking and drug use can often lead to addictive behaviors, it is possible to become empowered to lower your use or abstain entirely. Substance abuse can be curtailed through counseling with the help of an experienced therapist to guide you through the process of treatment. 

Substance Abuse Is Increasingly Prevalent In The United States

Drinking and drug use remain incredibly common facets of American culture. However, at the same time, there is a social stigma attached to some aspects of these activities. If it becomes excessive, substance use can result in shame, embarrassment, and financial or relational ruin. 

Unfortunately, users of alcohol and other drugs may often deal with unresolved trauma or distress that results in a lack of effective boundaries with substances. And as societal pressure mounts on these individuals to be constantly performing at work or at home, an opportunity to relieve the emotional, physical, and mental strain using substances becomes increasingly attractive. 

Moreover, addiction connected to pain management continues to be on the rise in America as medical professionals prescribe highly addictive prescription drugs during the aftermath of a surgery or other injury. The opioid crisis in our country has plainly exposed the danger of controlled substances and the vulnerability of certain communities who suffer from generational poverty and patterns of abuse. 

If you’re struggling with substance abuse, you may prefer to keep your behaviors to themselves out of fear of the stigma and consequences associated with alcohol and drug use. Or perhaps substance use has been your coping mechanism for so long that you don’t know of other ways to manage stress or regulate emotions. 

While addiction and sustained use can feel insurmountable at times, it is absolutely possible to find relief and recovery through counseling. We want to encourage you to take the first step.

Counseling Is A Proven Method For Breaking The Substance Abuse Cycle

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Addressing the negative mental states and behaviors that lead to substance abuse takes effort and commitment, but it’s easier with an experienced counselor by your side. And by committing to therapy for drug and alcohol use, you are making an investment in your future that is absolutely worth every effort. 

As Licensed Clinical Addictions Specialists, at Wilmington Psychotherapy, we are prepared to help you to identify the core issues and behaviors that have led to overuse of substances and offer a path to resolution. In a safe, confidential, and empowering environment, we will utilize scientifically validated approaches to help you understand the thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that result in your abuse of alcohol and other drugs. Using proven behavioral therapies and other modalities effective in curtailing alcohol and drug use, we can help you to regain a sense of control in your life and prevent the possibility of relapse.

Beginning with a basic intake process, we will compile a biopsychosocial profile that assesses your history, behaviors, and needs. During our early sessions, we will work with you to examine the physical and psychological symptoms that are adversely impacting your life as we develop a deeper understanding of your relationship to substances. Once the problem areas are accurately identified, we will tailor treatment methods to your unique needs in order to help you reduce substance abuse. 

Using cognitive approaches that have demonstrated high effectiveness among individuals suffering from addiction and substance abuse, counseling will help you in breaking down the thought processes that lead to excessive use and negative core beliefs about yourself. With an evidence-based arsenal of tools rooted in both Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), you will learn to identify triggering thoughts and regulate your emotions during moments of distress. In addition, we utilize collaborative modalities such as Motivational Enhancement Therapy (MET) and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) to promote more self-compassion and awareness. 

While working collaboratively, your counselor will strive to value and understand your perspective and concerns throughout the process to ensure the success of your treatment. In coupling behavioral approaches with self-empowering techniques, you will begin to better understand the connections between your thoughts and emotions, and the actual realities of your experiences. Over time, this will help you to recognize your emotional strengths to reduce cognitive errors and mistakes in judgment. 

With half a century of combined experience among our clinicians, at Wilmington Psychotherapy, we are invested in creating a supportive, secure, and empowering environment where you can explore addictive behaviors and substance abuse, and find a path to lasting sobriety. 

We have seen firsthand the effectiveness of counseling in reducing substance abuse and promoting positive behaviors for those who suffer from addiction. The cognitive and emotional insight you can find through therapy can propel you to a new and rewarding life experience.  

Perhaps you are considering substance abuse counseling, but you have some concerns…

I worry about the stigma attached to substance abuse or addiction. 

We encourage you not to internalize the negative fears and misconceptions of others. Many people who have struggled with drug or alcohol abuse at some point in their lifetimes have actually become counselors themselves after seeing the positive impact that addiction recovery has made on their lives. This community of professionals and peers understands what you are struggling with. Plus, counseling is meant to be a safe, secure, and confidential environment where you can explore the areas of your life you’d like to improve. 

I am concerned that being labeled as a user will jeopardize my job, financial standing, and/or status. 

If you are struggling with substance abuse or addictive behaviors now, it is entirely possible that your job, financial standing, and status are already in jeopardy. If your use has impacted your performance at work or at home, those around you have likely noticed that you are not living up to your full potential. Being proactive about seeking treatment for substance abuse now before it spirals completely out of your control is the best way to ensure a successful future for yourself. 

I am afraid to give up my drinking or drug use entirely.

Substance abuse counseling will give you the opportunity to see that you’re not giving something up, but rather, that you’re escaping a behavior that harms your mind and body. By taking this step, you are engaging in positive actions that will replace negative ones. And over time, you will likely see the effectiveness that counseling has in curtailing your urges and triggers around alcohol and other drugs. 

Build A Better Future For Yourself By Removing Alcohol And Drugs From Your Life

If you struggle with substance abuse or addiction, counseling at Wilmington Psychotherapy can help you to understand your behavioral patterns and find healthy strategies for coping. For more information about our team or to schedule a free, 15-minute consultation, contact us today. 

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