
Substance Use Jim Doxey Substance Use Jim Doxey

When the College Lifestyle Goes Beyond Partying

There are plenty of stereotypes that tend to go along with the college lifestyle. When it pops into your head, what’s the first thing you think about? For many people, it’s late-night parties. From depictions on-screen to things you might have experienced in your own life, there’s no question that college parties can involve a lot of alcohol. Sometimes, they go beyond that and even involve drugs.

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Substance Use Jim Doxey Substance Use Jim Doxey

Understanding the Stages of Substance Abuse Recovery

You’ve probably heard of the stages of grief before, but have you ever heard of the stages of substance abuse recovery? Breaking something like recovery down into stages can help someone going through it feel more at ease. Stages are more manageable than one sweeping strategy. Plus, you’ll be able to track your progress and see how far you’ve come.

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Substance Use Jim Doxey Substance Use Jim Doxey

Understanding Your Brain: How Alcohol Misuse Can Lead to Addiction

Addiction is one of the most misunderstood topics in the realm of health and psychology.

For example, despite incredible progress made in studying the concept, alcoholism is often reduced to a series of clichés and stereotypes. It is used as a common comedy trope. Some see the alcoholic as having made a choice to seek out such problems. And then, you have the group that downplays the addictive properties of alcohol.

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Substance Use Jim Doxey Substance Use Jim Doxey

Guidance from a Substance Abuse Counselor

It has been said before that addiction is a disorder of connection. The first disconnect occurs when the user disconnects from themselves. The negative mindset, the constant using, getting over using and planning the next time will over time, isolate the user from their genuine self as well as friends, family, spouses and co workers. Over time the chasm widens as the user slips further and further into the using lifestyle.

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Substance Use Jim Doxey Substance Use Jim Doxey

The Benefits of Not Drinking Alcohol

First let's talk about health benefits of giving up alcohol. People often forget that alcohol isn't a healthy substance. Alcohol has a long list of negative side effects as far as overall health is concerned. When consuming alcohol you are putting yourself at risk for obesity, diabetes, cirrhosis of the liver, kidney failure, and heart disease.

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